
I have been streaming video games on Twitch for almost a decade and writing critically about livestreaming since 2017. This page is a collection of resources about that work.


I stream kind of inconsistently. I hate feeling like streaming is a grift, but I also want people to feel like there’s enough reliability to come to a stream when they can! This means trying to find a happy medium between “marketing” and “scheduling” and “yelling from the rooftop ‘I am live on right now’”. To that end, I’ve put together a streaming newsletter. You can sign up here. I promise that I will only send out a newsletter about streams. Sometimes my cat.

Values and Practices

This linked document is a compilation of the way I approach livestreaming — I use it as a kind of parallel “community guidelines” for participating in chat, my views on terms like “community,” my relationship to Amazon, and what I do with Twitch income (pay for car insurance and groceries).

Old broadcasts

Twitch implemented a storage cap for Twitch channels, effective mid-April of 2025. I have a complicated relationship to treating the internet like an archive (see below), and toyed with the idea of wiping nearly a decade of streams from my Twitch channel. Instead, you can find old broadcasts (and a few extras) on my YouTube channel.


Every October since 2017, my partner and I stream a “classic” horror game and talk about it critically — there’s often a reading list, earnest discussions about what scares us in games and gameplay, and how horror games slot into a broader canon. Although I’ve been doing this for almost a decade, I don’t keep the VODs around. I like the idea that the internet is ephemeral and not everything needs to stay. It’s fun to participate a semi-live event together. I hope you’ll come by sometime in October and check it out.